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SJC at Fremont Fair

Past Sessions
Sunday, June 23, 2024 17 Sivan 5784 - 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM - N 35th St & N 34th St, Seattle, WA 98133
Saturday, June 22, 2024 16 Sivan 5784 - 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM - N 35th St & N 34th St, Seattle, WA 98133

SJC is proud to once again be tabling at the Fremont Fair as outreach for both membership and conversation! If you find yourself at the fair, come say hi!

If you've never attended Fremont Fair before, it's a large annual street fair in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle featuring hundreds of local artisans, dozens of delicious multi-ethnic food trucks, and a huge parade to celebrate the summer solstice. The fair is free to attend, but be aware that most vendors charge for their wares.

Most of all, what we hope to get out of our attendance at the Fremont Fair each year is thought-provoking conversation. Non-Jewish fair-goers ask us how secular Judaism is possible. Jewish attendees approach us and confess that "secular" is how they've felt for a long time, but have struggled to accept that and understand what it means for them and their relationship with their heritage or spirituality. And occasionally we'll run into old members who've moved on or people wholely unfamiliar with Judaism. These conversations are what we hope to generate!

Would you be interested in sharing what secular humanistic Judaism has meant to you with the community? The fair is quite long, and we want to make sure all our tabling volunteers have a chance to take breaks to use the restroom, have a bite to eat, and cruise the rest of the fair! Volunteers will NEVER have to man the booth alone- If you'd like to volunteer to table with us, register below and we'll be in touch closer to the event!


Only one form submission per individual volunteer, please!
e.g. "May I bring my child with me when I volunteer?", "Is there a way I can be picked up since I don't have a car?", "Will our stall be wheelchair accessible?", etc
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Thu, 12 September 2024